Showing posts with label Quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quiz. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Technical Quiz a.k.a Cyber Quiz

I am hereby starting a series of Quizing sessions to test yours and improving my knowledge, which I left updating since the last 3 years. These quizzes are not compiled by me, instead took from various sources, online and print. At a time the number of questions, wont exceed a max of 20.

So there you go, hovering the mouse over the Answer will give you the answers

  1. What is Google's open operating system for mobile phones called ?


  2. Which telecom major is the biggest stakeholder in Symbian Ltd?


  3. What is 'zoo' in context of security ?


  4. Nigel Clifford is the CEO of .... ?


  5. Who has Peter Dengate Thrush replaced as the Chairman of ICANN ?


  6. What was founded in July 1990 by Mitch Kapor, John Gilmore, and John Perry Barlow ?


  7. The graphics Processing Unit used in Nintendo's Wii video fame console is called ... ?


  8. What in the context of Linux is "bash"


  9. The maximum packet length of IP, including the IP header is ........................ bytes


  10. What is 'Wardriving' ?
