Monday, January 21, 2008

CyberQuiz aka IT quiz

Quizzing again.. A few information on IT industry in quiz format.

What is

It is an Internet Encyclopedia dedicated to the Honorable Professor Dr. Stephen T Colbert, D.F.A and his creation truthiness

With which cyber major has Mayo Clinic set up a collaborative research facility "The Medical Imaging Informatics Innovation Centre (MI3C)" to improve the quality of patient care ?


What is 'Stevenote' ?

The colloquial term used for the keynote speeches by Steve Jobs, generally given at Apple events

Name the former CTO of the One Laptop Per Child Foundation who has started a new company called Pixel Qi to commercialize the technology for low priced laptops for poor children

Mary Lou Jepsen

With whom is Google jointly developing televisions that display internet content such as photos and videos


Who developed Postscript in 1985


What 'spider' term is used for "the use of a table or structured list of URLs for Web sites (or words that hyperlink to Web sites) in order to help locate them ?


The BlackBerry Pearl 8100 won the first BlackBerry to do way with what ?

A trackwheel. It was replaced by a miniature trackball.

What does Wikipedia define as "the act of taking a task traditionally performed by an employee or contractor and outsourcing it to an undefined generally large group of people in the form if an open call"


In the context off spam what is spinging

Pinging from a splog to make recipients think that content of interest has been updated though that may not be the case.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Where all standard deletion fails...

Long time, since I updated the blog eh ? A good..a bit challenging one, till I remembered the command, debugfs.


Location : One of my clients' VPS.
Concern : One of his vps clients is not restarting properly. Stucks at initializing the vzquota. Error message when doing 'vzctl start 738' is below

Starting VE ...
Initializing quota ...
vzquota : (error) quota check : lstat `photos.friendster.comphotos6968532886961_494183449s.jpg': No such file or directory
vzquota init failed [1]


I couldn't find any files with the name photos.friendster.comphotos6968532886961_494183449s.jpg inside the vps, or when looking at /vz/private/738. Then did a

find . -name "*494183449s.jpg" inside the /vz/private/738. It returned me location as ./.trash/lsm/photos.friendster.comphotos6968532886961_494183449s.jpg

/me so happy. Ran
rm -f ./.trash/lsm/photos.friendster.comphotos6968532886961_494183449s.jpg
worked fine. But the problem persisted . Reason was though it didnt give any errors, it actually didnt delete the file. Ran a ls -l inside the directory lsm which showed output where it was question marks everywhere except for the name. AFAIK, name of a file is also stored in the directory info in the FS.

[root@vpsit lsm]# ls -l
total 0
?--------- ? ? ? ? ? photos.friendster.comphotos6968532886961_494183449s.jpg

So how can I fix this and make the vps start ? "rm -f filename" was not working.. neither a bigger command, "find . -exec rm -rf {} \;" nor even rm -rf /.trash or rm -rf /.trash/lsm. The directory delete was not working, since it was not empty. Tried unlink also.

[root@vpsit lsm]# find . -exec rm -f {} \;
rm: cannot remove `.' or `..'
find: ./photos.friendster.comphotos6968532886961_494183449s.jpg: No such file or directory

Then tried to turn off quota for vps executed the vzquota off command and got the o/p as below

vzquota off 738
vzquota : (error) Can't open quota file for id 738, maybe you need to reinitialize quota: No such file or directory

So didnt want to initialize the quota by command, since it wont work for sure, just as in case when it starts the vps.

Temporary fix: turn off disk_quota parameter in /etc/sysconfig/vz and started the vps. Turned on the parameter later.

Permanent fix: you can't use fsck to fix this, on a live server. Not when you have to run the fsck in / itself. So fsck was not an option here. So next choice went to debugfs

here is what I did with debugfs

debugfs -w /dev/hda1
cd /vz/private/738/.trash/
unlink lsm

gone..and the issue is fixed. I dont see a proper solution anywhere in web for this ???? question marked cases of file deletion and hence this post.

I am tired of freelancing. Need to find some salaried job..Till next time..cya..