XWindows dont work once cPanel is installed. Reasons are many why they disabled XWindows on the easy one script installation of cPanel, primary reason being security.
However I needed Xwindows to be running on a cPanel installed machine. Here is what I did.
- Edited /etc/rc.local and commented the line /scripts/securetmp
- /etc/init.d/xfs start
- chkconfig --add xfs
- chkconfig --level 2345 xfs on
5. chmod 2777 /tmp
6. Login screen came in and I logged in :-)
lol. That was easy isn't it ? May not be. Sometimes you need to edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf as well and search & comment the lines "FontPath "unix/:7100" . Rare cases. But that is a chance.
If you are reading this blog and even after trying these you are not able to get the XWindows working after these work arounds, please comment. I also played around a few more settings before I could get it work. May be I can remember on seeing the error.